Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Check the list below to see if we have your answer. If you don’t see your question, send us a note at


  • Therapy - what to expect

    Therapy is a confidential, neutral space for you to work through current, anticipated or historical challenges. It’s a none judgemental space for you to discuss however your are feeling or to understand better what you are feeling, how you are behaving and reacting. You will be invited for an initial 30 minute consultation. All contact from the enquiry onwards to confidential. Once you have attended the consultation, which can be delivered face to face or online, then you will be asked to go away to think about if you would like to continue. Should you wish to continue you will then be booked in for therapy and the process can begin. Therapy is about you. What you need help with and what you may be challenged by. Nikki is an experienced therapist who will guide you through the process.

  • HypnoTherapy - what to expect

    The aim of the course of hypnotherapy sessions is to assist in finding meaningful alternatives to unhelpful or obstructive ways of thinking, feeling or behaving. Hypnotherapy also aims to help clients to become more accepting of themselves and others and can help to guide us towards releasing anxiety and growing in confidence, acceptance and self-belief. Hypnotherapy is giving someone the tools to help themselves; regular practice at home improves the speed of healing and helps to determine the level of success. During a session you will be guided in to a focused state of concentration, which people find deeply relaxing. You will go deeper and deeper in to an enjoyable trance state but will commonly be aware of your surroundings.

  • How long are sessions?

    Sessions are typically 50 minutes in length. Longer sessions can be discussed, around appropriateness and availability, with your therapist.

  • WHat age range do you work with?

    Age 11 years upwards.

  • What is your cancellation policy?

    We hold a 24 hour cancellation policy. This is upheld from the first full session. Upon booking you have acknowledged the cancellaton policy and have agreed to it.  Appointments that are cancelled or not attended will be invoiced at the full sessional rate.

Cost of Sessions

  • Individual sessions

    We offer a free initial assessment of 30 minutes which can be in person or online.

    Subsequent to the initial 30 minute consultation, hypnotherapy sessions are currently available at a cost of £75 per session, each one generally lasting approximately 1 hour. Many conditions can be resolved in one to six sessions of hypnotherapy; where conditions are deep routed and multi-facetted, more sessions may be needed.

    After the initial consultation, psychotherapy sessions are available at a cost of £60 per 50 minute session.

  • Clinical supervision

    Clinical supervision sessions starts at £60 per hour. Then £75 for a one and a half hour session.

  • Couple counselling

    Couple counselling sessions starts at £75 per hour.


  • Sessions

    Payment can be made via online transfer or cash. Bank details will be provided. Should you need an invoice or receipt, please let us know.

  • Training courses

    Bank details will be provided at the time of booking.

Feel better, live authentically, and perform at your fullest.

Get started with a free 30 minute consultation